Fresh SOURDOUGH bread, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and seasonal goodies

Holiday pie orders open now


Holiday pie orders open now -

from our farm

to your table

is a small, community-focused farm operation about 10 miles west of Missoula - right off Mullan Road. We sell vegetables, eggs, and baked goods made with fresh milled Montana grains at our farmstand and local farmers markets. Bakery ingredients, seeds/starts, and other raw materials are sourced as locally and sustainably as possible.


Stop by and check us out 7 days a week*. We operate on the honor system and have the farmstand doors open for self-service morning to dusk - cash or venmo accepted, as well as Senior FMNP and WIC Farm Direct coupons (for eligible items).

*Limited items stocked as our hens slow down egg production + our farm bounces back from a tough season. Baked goods are stocked Saturday and Sunday until sold out. We are still always accepting online orders!

EAT LOCAL, taste the difference